We are proud to join the global movement that is 1% for the Planet, an alliance of businesses and individuals who have all come together under one big (green!) umbrella to donate 1% of their revenue to environmental non-profits.
By joining forces with other environmentally conscious companies, we are helping to create lasting positive change, protect our planet's precious resources, and ensure its sustainability for future generations.
We believe taking action is everyone's responsibility—from conserving resources and reducing waste to promoting clean air and water, preventing habitat loss and species extinction, reducing sources of pollution, and improving land stewardship practices.
At PNW KYNE we are inspired by the countless grassroots organizations in communities across the globe that are leading projects that protect wildlife habitats, ensure clean water resources and more.
These efforts can make a meaningful impact on this planet—which is why we’re honored to work with 1% for the Planet in their mission to build an alliance of people passionate about protecting our planet’s valuable resources.
Every product you buy from PNW KYNE directly contributes to these environmental causes.
So join us in supporting 1% for the Planet today! Together we can make a real difference while inspiring others worldwide through our combined efforts — all while having a little fun along the way!
Get Some GearSee how we partnered with Sound Salmon Solutions to plant over 200 trees in Arlington, WA